Our Staff

Each year our staff typically manage approximately; 50,000 RYDA participants to 2,400 RYDA workshop sessions delivered by 470 trained facilitators over 400 days and complemented by more than 500 Rotary volunteers.

The team is responsible for the operations of RSE throughout Australia and New Zealand, under the direction of its Boards and educationally, under the auspices of the RSE Advisory Council. The company is headquartered in Sydney with a national office in Auckland. Reflected in staff roles, operations include all the elements associated with program development and quality, school engagement and program delivery, corporate governance and fiscal sustainability.

Each year RSE, through its team, releases a revised version of RYDA reflecting ongoing research to maintain alignment of the program with educational curricula, evidence and best practice.

Senior Leadership Team

  • Terry Birss, CEO/Managing Director, who also holds the posions of Group Company Secretary and CFO,
  • Brooke O’Donnell, General Manager – Education & Information,
  • Maria Lovelock, General Manager – NZ & Group Engagement
  • John Elliott, Head of Program Delivery (Australia) & Group Data, and
  • Christina Anggono, Group Accountant

All are Sydney head office based except for the General Manager – NZ who is located in Auckland.

Delivery Team

Program Coordinators are responsible for RYDA school engagement and program delivery

In Australia:

  • Hannah Olsen, Senior Program Coordinator (PC) (QLD),
  • Lynette Ross (p/t), Senior Program Coordinator / Delivery Support Australia,
  • Anton Hockey (PC Victoria and South Australia),
  • Rachael Kelleher (p/t), (PC Central Coast/Hunter & regional),
  • Michelle Berardo (p/t), (PC South East Queensland – South Brisbane/Logan/Gold Coast)
  • Julie Howells (p/t) (PC Sydney East),
  • Kathy Jeitani (p/t) (PC Sydney West),
  • Cynthia Rivera, Program Assistant (p/t)

In New Zealand:

  • Naomh Cusin, NZ Programme Manager,
  • Adele Hall (Senior PC Auckland & Northland) (p/t),
  • Ruth Nicholls (PC Central North Island) (p/t),
  • Sarah Parkinson (PC Lower North Island from Wellington to Hawke’s Bay) (p/t),
  • Liona Stanicich (PC South Island) (p/t)

Support Team

  • Pearl Newman (Program Delivery Support Lead and Facilitator Training) (p/t),
  • Nickie Mouncey (grants and funding),
  • Nola Lovelock (accounts administration) (p/t),
  • Graeme Hood (NZ Education Specialist)