Linking RYDA to the Australian Curricula

Australian Capital Territory

Road Ready is a pre-driver education course aimed at year 10 students leading to a small support program Road Ready Plus, which is aimed at the newly licensed driver on P-plates for 6 months or more.

Most ACT secondary school students are able to take the course for free at their school, including the Road Rules Knowledge Test, as part of their year 10 program.


New South Wales

The NSW Department of Education has developed the Life Ready Program (following a review of the former Crossroads Program).  A number of resources within Life Ready (ie, Counting the Cost and Reducing Road User Distraction) relate to safe road use and can be connected to and supported by messaging from the RYDA workshop.

Transport for NSW also develop and produce road safety education resources.


Northern Territory

The Safer Roads teacher resources provide teachers with teaching and learning strategies so they can integrate a road safety program in their classroom.



Transport for Main Roads’ school road safety resources help teachers to develop students’ knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours as they become young drivers. The resources feature a number of units focusing on key topics that directly link to RYDA workshop messaging including:


South Australia

The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure have adopted principals of road safety education policies and practices and promote a whole school approach.



Road Risk Reduction v2 (RRR v2) is a resource to support teachers delivering Tasmanian Qualifications Authority (TQA) Road Safety education courses.

A second edition of Road Risk Reduction (RRR) has been released to support Tasmanian schools and teachers implementing Road Safety Education in upper secondary schools and colleges.

RRR v2 is broken in to five key sections that are all supported by RYDA workshop sessions:

  • using and sharing the road,
  • how and why crashes occur,
  • high risk behaviours and strategies to reduce risk,
  • reducing harm through design and
  • becoming a safe and licenced driver



The Victorian Government direct teachers to a number of curriculum resources created by and housed at  The site has a series of resources from units to lessons on a range of road safety topics that are supported by the RYDA workshop.  Type ‘road safety’ into the search box to filter the resources.  You can also filter by resource type and subject.


Western Australia

School Drug Education and Road Aware has a range of road safety education programs that target children and young people from birth to 18 years of age, and their parents and carers.