Drive Coach is a workshop designed for parents and carers. The importance of parents and their role in keeping their teens safe throughout the many stages of learning to drive is well documented. However, they are not often given all the tools for the job. Research shows that the way parents engage with their teens through the learn-to-drive journey can have a significant impact when it comes to creating safer drivers who take less risks. RSE, through the Drive Coach program aims to equip parents and carers with the tools they need and support them on this very important journey.
This practical workshop which updates parents on latest research and road safety approaches, outlines some of the conversations and strategies our facilitators share with their teens at RYDA and gives them an opportunity to ask questions and get advice from the experts.
New Zealand
If you would like to request a session or find out more, contact [email protected] (in Australia) or [email protected] (in New Zealand)