Sydney – Incursion

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Sydney, NSW Australia
  • Program Dates

    Runs throughout the year

  • Enquiries and Bookings

    Rebecca Bullock NSW Metro West  – Program Coordinator

    M | +61 419 274 959  E | [email protected]


    Lynette Ross NSW Metro East  – Program Coordinator

    M | +61 468 833 816  E | [email protected]


    RSE National Office: 1300 127 642

  • Special Information

    Students should bring morning tea, lunch, water bottle and a pen to work in the GPS guides.

    Students will be outside for a demonstration of speed and stopping distance* (approx 30 minutes) and encouraged to wear sunscreen, bring a hat and if the weather is inclement an umbrella.

    *Where schools have a smaller area of approximately 50 metres, Speed & Stopping can be offered as a static outdoor presentation around a car with students walking out stopping distances. However, the session is much more engaging and interactive for the students if we are able to deliver the vehicle demonstrations.

The crash investigator session really exemplifies the impact of crashes and confronts all of us in the class about the story of Fiona. The four parts and the system of road safety are very structured and at last, through the interactive thinking activity (investigation of Fiona’s case), I realized that there is many, countless source of reasons that can potentially cause crashes. By understanding that I and all others are a part of the road safety system, it will regulate my behavior on trips as well as speak out in situations.

Tommy - Killarney Heights High School
Fully booked

Lake Munmorah High School

Sydney – Incursion Sydney, NSW Australia

Students are reminded to bring a pen, water, morning tea and lunch. Hats and or umbrellas may also be advised as the day includes outdoor activities and movement within the venue. Catering is provided for teachers.

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Fully booked

St Clare’s Catholic School

Sydney – Incursion Sydney, NSW Australia

Students are reminded to bring a pen, water, morning tea and lunch. Hats and or umbrellas may also be advised as the day includes outdoor activities and movement within the venue. Catering is provided for teachers.

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