Kapunda High School, Eudunda Area School & Nuriootpa High School
Barossa Valley Nuriootpa Sports Centre, Penrice Road, Nuriootpa SA 5355Barossa Valley, SA 5355 Australia
September annually
This program is coordinated by the Rotary Club Barossa Valley and Rotary Club Barossa Districts
Rotary Coordinator: Sue Graetz
Phone: 0477 111 322
Email: [email protected]
and RYDA School Booking Coordinator: Brain Eckermann
Phone: 0410 632 923
Email: [email protected]
General Enquiries: RSE National Office,
Ph: 1300 127 642 Email: [email protected]
There are no canteen facilities for students but a free BBQ lunch will provided. Lunch and Morning Tea will be provided for teachers.