We’re coming up to National Road Safety Week in Australia (5-12 May) and New Zealand (20-26 May). The week gives you a great opportunity to celebrate your partnership with RSE and highlight the importance of the work we are doing together through activations and notifications to staff and clients. Here are a few ideas you could adopt to promote how your organisation and RSE are working together to create safer roads for all.
We have included the official artwork and themes which support National Road Safety Week in Australia (blue and yellow cartoon figures / #DriveSoOthersSurvive). To tap into the teen audience, we’ve also create some imagery and #’s around the idea of being a road safety hero. We’ve used this concept to create a student survey, media release and student video clips. You can pick and choose or use both themes together.
Use the jumplinks below to navigate through the page:
Your team doesn’t have to be in the office to get engaged with Road Safety Week. Why not brighten up your video conferences with a yellow ribbon background. Download the tile here.
Ahead of road safety week, we asked students to tell us what their hero move would be on the road. Here’s a little video compile of what they told us. We’ll be sharing this video during National Road Safety Week and as our valued partner, we invite you to do the same. National Road Safety Week is largely about advocacy but with RYDA we can show that we go so much deeper, leading change with our next generation of road users. Download the video here: What’s your Hero Move?
We’ve created an email signature which promotes road safety week and your partnership with RSE using the “what’s your hero move?” tagline . We’ve also inlcuded the official National Road Safety Week artwork on a banner which can sit below the the RSE email banner. Download the assets here: What’s your hero move? banner | Drive So Others Survive banner
If you’d like to make any changes, we can send you the psd files or make adjustments for you. Email [email protected] if you’d like to adjust the banner.
Using the national road safety week assets, we’ve created a social media tile that promotes road safety week and your partnership with RSE. Download the tile here.
If you’d like to make any changes, we can send you the psd files or make adjustments for you. Email [email protected] if you’d like to adjust the banner.
As part of our kit of tools we send to teachers to help students revisit the things they learn at RYDA, we’ve created a fun road safety quiz. Are your team brave enough to go up against RYDA students in our road safety quiz challenge? This is a great way to start a team meeting as it’s played quickly on hand-held devices so it can be played anywhere. To play, staff will need to download and open the Kahoot app on their device or go to www.kahoot.it on their PC, enter the game pin: 02033861 and choose a screen name. From there it’s game on – the highest score will go to the quickest finger with the right answer. If you ask the team to use your company name/initials in their screen name, we’ll be able to crown the overall champion across all our partners.
A simple and effective way your staff and your fleet drivers can stand in solidarity with those who have been injured or killed in road crashes and, importantly, show a commitment to actively protecting all road users is to tie a yellow ribbon to their vehicle during National Road Safety Week. Parners may wish to have a bowl of ribbons available at the reception desk with a sign encouraging staff and visitors to take one and promote road safety week on the roads. Share snaps on social media #yellowribbon #roadsafetyweek and don’t forget to tag us in @rydaroadsafety.
Put on a yellow themed morning tea or set up yellow lolly jars in the staff room. Invite staff to wear yellow to work on a chosen day during road safety week. We’ve also had a lot of fun in the past with photo booths. See how our partners have embraced the yellow in years gone by.
This fun, practical activity was created from one of our RYDA extension resources. Music has one main job and that’s to make us feel. But, is it conducive to safe, distraction-free driving and do those ‘feels’ always put us in the best mindstate to tackle the task of sharing the roads with others? This activity (which can be printed for a desk-drop or distributed as a fillable PDF) is a great way to get your team thinking about the music they listen to while driving and a good conversation starter for the tea room.
The activity features a staff handout (download or print) and some further information in our Music and Driving article.
Here’s another fun activity we sent to our students to keep them engaged during isolation. The activity asks participants to identify as many dashboard warning lights as they can – becoming familiar with the car’s safety features, basic mechanical upkeep and warning signs helps ensure our vehicle is in the best condition possible.
You could distribute the quiz to staff and offer a reward for the fastest return of the most correct answers or you could even hold a pre-meeting ice-breaker Kahoot! quiz to test everyone’s knowledge. Here are the resources you’ll need: Access the staff handout here (note, the handout was written for our students and refers to using their car manual as a guide – we’ll make it trickier for the adults and see what they know without looking) | Access the judge’s answer sheet here | Access the Kahoot! quiz here.
Every year, we team up with our partners to recognise the incredible efforts of our community of road safety supporters. Below is the schedule we’ll be using to announce the winners across social media. Share this great news with with your staff, social network and local media.
Monday, 6 May: BOC Rotary Champion
Tuesday, 7 May: Bridgestone Champion School
Wednesday, 8 May: Boral Champion Police
Thursday, 9 May: Toyota Community Champions
In Australia, the Yellow Ribbon Committee has created some animations to support daily NRSW themes. If you would like to share any of the themes, please select the date link below and download.
Sunday , May 5: Remember the 1200
Monday, May 6: Your Road Safety Pledge
Tuesday, May 7: Road Safety for the Next Generation
Wednesday, May 8: Protect those who Protect and Assist Us
Thursday, May 9: How safe is my ride?
Friday, May 10: Drive in the Moment + Avoid Distraction
Saturday, May 11: Share the Street
Sunday, May 12: Take care on regional roads